Northeast Automotive, a Grand Rapids-area vehicle repair shop, was launched in 2010, serving West Michigan auto, truck and fleet owners. Northeast Automotive, has maintained a reputation for fair business practices.
Bring your cars to us for the best possible care
Your mechanic should know your vehicle as well as your medical doctor knows your body. You’ll get informed service at Northeast Automotive from people who care about you and your car. Let us take responsibility for keeping you safe and your car in good working condition.

Certified Team
Our team is well-trained, certified and dedicated to gaining your trust in our workmanship. We make you feel welcome, listen to your concerns carefully and answer any questions you may have. We value our customers. We respond to their needs and wants while repairing their vehicles. We understand that having a car, truck or a van repaired can be a major inconvenience, so we do everything we can to give you a correct diagnosis, accurate quote and quick turn-around time. We encourage you to bring your vehicle back to us if you are not entirely satisfied.